Journey through Jordan

The gem of the Far East

Deserts, Ancient Ruins, Hiking, Biking and Culture

Jordan is one of the gems of the Far East, mixing ancient traditions with modern life, this country has so much to offer. From the bustling capitol of Amman where ancient history and modern life unite seamlessly to the expanse of the Wadi Rum desert made famous in Lawrence of Arabia. Then there is the lowest place on earth the Dead Sea, beautiful coral reefs on the Red Sea and the stunning grandeaur of the Rose Red City itself; Petra. 

Welcome to Jordan

Watch the entire series below. 

Jordan Articles

How to Spend 2 Weeks in Jordan

Jordan is a country steeped in history and culture, where the modern world blends perfectly with the ancient. Here is how to spend two weeks exploring the ancient ruins like Petra, traversing the wide deserts of the Wadi and learning of the rich religious and cultural history of this ancient land.

Jordan Videos


Jordan Gallery

Alice at the MOnastery in Petra
A glass bottom boat sits at the beach in Aqaba Jordan on the Red Sea
Looking out at the Dead Sea from the Kempinski Hotel in Jordan

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