Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro In Tanzania: What to Know

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania: My Experience

My journey up Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania took place in the beginning of March 2018. I joined a group of other women to reach the summit on International Women’s Day—a journey that felt symbolic and empowering in so many ways.

Led by local tour company, Eco-Africa climbing, we traveled up the Machame route on a 7-day journey to the roof of Africa. For a detailed account of my climb, you can read the blog: Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro: The World’s Tallest Freestanding Mountain

Watch my video below to see the 7-day journey to the summit, encompassing amazing nature, stunning views, mental challenges, and physical exhaustion that led to the ultimate reward. 


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  1., pub-4273301638705427, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
  2. Rick

    Question about gear – if hiking Kilimanjaro in September, do you suggest hiking boots with 200 gram insulation or are non- insulated boots sufficient at the summit?

    • alicesadventures-onearth

      I would double check with your guide service for the expected snowfall at the summit. I had a lot of snowpack on my climb but have talked to many people who have had none. I really appreciated my insulated boots. But I also tend to have cold feet.


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